Looking for a career switch? Broaden your skills by learning the most in-demand programming languages like Python, Java, JavaScript, and more.

Software programming is a hot career right now and there’s no doubt about it. According to a study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics programming jobs are projected to grow 22 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all other occupations. What’s more, the median annual pay for a software developer as of May 2020 was $110,140. Nevertheless, not all programming jobs are alike. There are various companies, roles, and kinds of software that require learning and understanding different programming languages. Knowing multiple programming languages is an added advantage.

Whether you’re a newbie or a professional looking to brush up on your programming skills, it is always helpful to know the languages that are relevant today. Be it through taking up a course or building projects, upskilling is a must. Here is a list of the top programming languages of 2021 to help you choose the best for your career.

1. JavaScript

Over the years, several languages have come and faded but JavaScript is one of the most renowned languages that has been in high demand.

It has been ranked under the top 10 programming languages consistently for several years now. Companies like Google, Facebook, Uber, etc, all use JavaScript. But what makes this programming language so prominent?

JavaScript often referred to as JS,

is a scripting language originally known for adding responsive components to web pages

. It has a wide range of applications in game development, mobile app development, web development, and much more.

Moreover, this language is compatible with




other prominent frameworks

This makes JavaScript the most popular choice for developers.

Today, this programming language is being used for both frontend and backend development.

By the looks of its demand, dominance, and tons of websites relying on it, JavaScript is most likely to rule 2021 too! You can animate images, control multimedia, and do so much more with just a few lines of JS code.

2. Python

The ever-increasing importance of data in businesses has led to a rapid rise in the demand and popularity of Python. It is used in server-side development and has a wide collection of tools, libraries, and frameworks that make it a necessity in the fields of Data Science and Machine Learning.

Python is incredibly versatile along with its outstanding data handling capabilities.

In the past few years, various packages have been created for the purpose of data analysis and machine learning with the help of Python. These packages include NumPy and Pandas that allow users to understand and modify data; TensorFlow using to code ML algorithms and PySpark, an API for operating with Spark- a structure for seamlessly working with massive data sets. You can take a look at how these technologies have trended over time.

In the realm of server-side programming languages, Python is considered simple to read, write and learn.

The simple style and easy editability associated with it make Python development smooth and effective.

Furthermore, Python developers are one of the highest-paid developers, especially due to its use in web development, app development, machine learning, and data science.

3. Kotlin

There is no denying the fact that Android is the

highest-selling and commonly used operating system worldwide. And Kotlin has been declared as the primary language for Android development by Google.

Hence for programmers who are looking to jump into the world of Android development, Kotlin is the one for you. It is a general-purpose cross-platform programming language that is fully interoperable with Java.

Also, the use of Kotlin is growing in areas like data science, web, cloud, and server-side development. Therefore, earning this language will take you a long way in advancing or beginning your career as a programmer.

4. Go

Golang, famously known as

Go is an open-source programming language used to build simple, reliable, and efficient software


It was developed by Google in 2007 as an alternative to C, C++, and Java.

Projects like Blockchain, Docker and Kubernetes use Go to support the concurrent running of processes and multi-threading effortlessly.

Go is the best programming language for beginners because of its speed, simplicity, and increasing popularity. It is lightweight and great for writing network applications.

5. Java

Released in 1995, Java is one of the oldest object-oriented languages.

It is ranked #2

in the PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language Index as of July 2021.

It is used in Android apps, web apps, finance and banking services, and much more.

It is scalable, robust, and highly secure with numerous libraries and APIs. Java can run on any operating system and is efficiently used in handling a vast amount of data.

Therefore, Java will forever remain relevant and in high demand because of its plethora of useful features.

6. Scala

Scala is a general-purpose coding language that promotes both functional and object-oriented programming standards

. It comes with distinctive features like string interpolation, lazy computation, type inference, and many more.

Additionally, the Scala code can be transformed to byte codes and executed on Java Virtual Machine.

Numerous tech giants like LinkedIn, Netflix, Twitter, eBay, etc. are using this language for their own products and platforms.

7. C#

C# (C sharp) was inspired by the C language and was built by Mircosoft in the year 2000.

It is more advanced than C and is fully integrated with .NET.

It is loved by game developers for making 2D and 3D games with the use of the Unity game engine. It is also used for the development of desktop and mobile applications.

Based on several reports, the demand for C# is surely going to scale


There are many programming languages available today, but, before learning them, it’s important to know which of the languages are here to stay for a while.

If you’re planning to move up the ladder in your current position or want to shift your career, it is beneficial to upskill and learn one of the above 7 languages to excel in tech.